Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Really Great Father's Day

While Father's Day was officially a few weeks past, today July 1, 2007 is a great Father's day. It is one of those great days in an LDS Father's life. Today I get the privilege of conferring the Melchizedek Priesthood on my youngest son, David. I had this great opportunity once before with my older son Scott.

This is one of many special spiritual days a LDS Father has with his children, starting with that special day when you get to take your new beautiful new child, fresh from heaven and innocent, and give him or her a name and a blessing. What a marvelous experience to have Father in Heaven give you an insight into this new child's possibilities and gifts as you pronounce a blessing upon him or her.

The next great formal experience comes when you get to take them into the waters of baptism. That little child, full of life and frequently mischief as well, with faith and worshipful intent walks into the font. After pronouncing the baptismal prayer, they are buried in the water, coming up fresh and clean from all sin (although it may be short lived). As they come out of the water, they push their hair back away from their face and blink and wipe the water form their eyes and clear the water form their nose as though this is their first breath and site. Their eyes are full of wonder. Shortly afterward, we get to use our Priesthood again to confirm them a member of the Church and give them the right to receive the most precious of all gifts, the Holy Ghost. What a great gift if we teach them how to recognize it in their lives. Personal revelation from God.

Other more formal Father Child opportunities are more limited to our sons for a few years as we Confer the Aaronic Priesthood and Ordain them from one office of the Priesthood to another. However, it does not limit our joy. Our joy is full when we get to give a Father's Blessing each year or especially on occasions when your child requests one to help with special needs. Joy comes when we get to be the Lord's voice in blessing our ill family members, and provide both emotional and physical relief. Informally joy even comes, when there is a real family problem we are facing, and we turn to the Lord, and ask as, a priesthood holder and Patriarch, for guidance and inspiration of how to deal with the situation. This exercise of my Priesthood, has provided some of my more spiritual and memorable experiences.

It would be great if I had the keys to use my Priesthood to seal my children in the Temple, but the experience of participating is just as great.

Back to Today. The great thing about today, is that like I have done once before with Scott, I get to open the door for my son, David, to have these same experiences. Both you David and you Scott, have the opportunity for all of these joyous experiences because you hold the Melchizedek Priesthood. And all of my Daughters, I am happy to say, will be able to join in those joyous days because they have married someone who have "chosen" to hold and honor this same Priesthood. (Ellen I am counting on you doing the same, and am sure you will, that is why I said All)

Yes - I am a corny "old man" but this is the way I feel on this special day.

To all of my family, with Love

DAVID's MISSION PHOTO - All of his paper work is complete. His physical is tomorrow. Now we just have to wait until the September 27 for it to be submitted.