Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We believe the Bible to be correct as far as it is translated correctly

The Pope dies and, naturally, goes to heaven where he's met by a reception committee of angels. After a whirlwind tour, The Pope is told that he can enjoy any of the myriad recreations available.

He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original text of the Holy Scriptures, so he spends the next eon or so learning the languages. After becoming a linguistic master, he sits down in the library and begins to pour over every version of the Bible, working back from the most recent "Easy Reading" to the original handwritten script.

The angel librarian hears a loud scream, and goes running toward its source only to find the Pope huddled in a chair, shaking and crying.

"The R! They left out the R!"

"What do you mean?" the angel librarian asks.

After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "The word was supposed to be CELEBRATE!"

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wonderful Kids and Kids-in-Law

I have not written on this blog for a while, because life has been too busy. My topic today is one of immense gratitude, coming from a deep reflection. Reflection on those things that are really most important.

While it did not really seem like Christmas, it was still a good Holiday. It was great to have grand kids here from San Antonio, and see Kelly and Mike. It was great that Kevin, Ellen's (now) Fiance came to visit as well. Of course it is always nice to see my children.

Life and families are really an amazing journey. Some of us, who are lucky, go from a care free childhood straight to being responsible adults and likely parents in what seems like the blink of an eye. I say lucky, because I know there are many who had to carry much more responsibility than I, while they were still children. Now as a parent of older children, and who is about to have one more get married and another leave on a mission, it is not I who is becoming responsible, but those most choice spirits in whom Linda and I have invested all of our energy and resources.

Several years ago, long before my children were old enough to worry about such things, Linda and I went to a movie with the Berkies. The movie, "Father of the Bride" was very funny, but as I looked over at Doug, he was really welled up in tears, as his oldest daughter was almost approaching marrying age. Later, when our oldest daughter, Emily, was married, I discovered that is was not so sad. It really wasn't so much loosing a child, as much as it was gaining one more member of the family, and I felt excitement for Emily growing up.

I guess one could say that you never know what type of family member you are adding, but I am very happy with the choices my children have made. Shane is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable people to associate with that I know. He has blessed the life of my daughter Emily, and (when we see him) we love the time together. It also doesn't hurt that he Fathered three beautiful grand children. The only bad thing I can say about Shane, is shame on you for taking all of our children so far away. But we love you. One of the most exciting days of my life, as a fisherman and father/father in-law, was the day in Pagosa Springs that I coached him into catching a 5 lb brown trout.

When Kelly got married, she also picked well. Mike is a very focused and hard working. Again, it was great to see Kelly grow up, and Mike has also been like one more son in the family. He has been a great hunting and fishing buddy, and what an exciting day when he shot an elk on his first 1 hr of hunting. Mike and Kelly have really blossomed as LDS parents, and I love the three grandchildren they have blessed our lives with.

I always wondered what type of person Scott would marry. He was always, and still is, such a fee spirit. The day that I first met Jentry, I fell in love. What a beauty. She is fun loving, and has a very infectious laugh. On top of all of that, she is talented and seems to keep Scott to an acceptable level of adulthood, but it is obvious that they find each other fulfilling and what more can I ask. I still enjoy the pictures I have of Jentry dressed in waiders standing in the middle of the Blue River trying to catch fish that were not biting. To Scott and Jentry: Babies are not evil. By the way, we almost changed your phone alarm to delay a couple of days.

Now, Ellen is getting ready to bet married. My baby girl. Am I sad? The truth is I am not. From experience, I look forward to another son. He has shown that he is a good sport. At Thanksgiving he endured my grueling interview. At Christmas, he endured a lot of ribbing and the threat of a physical exam by Mike. He has played along with everyone, and has shown by several actions that he cares for Ellen. He plays games, jokes around, and fits in with the rest of the family.

I love my children and I love the choices they have made, especially their choices of Spouses. In my eyes, Kids-in-Law are great. Parents-in-Law, however, as their reputation portrays can be a little iffy. Now that I am a Father-in-Law, I must also be a little iffy. I SINCERELY WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR ANY OF THE BAD TRAITS THAT HAVE BEEN REVEALED.