Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Yesterday was Fathers day, but today I received the cards in the mail.  Of course Linda gave me her cards on Fathers Day, and I did get calls from all of my children that were able (David of course does not get to call on Fathers day, only on MOTHERS day).  I thought I would share the cards with everyone. 

Mom gave me two cards:

  • One plays "Just the Two of Us" song over and over, like she has to remind me that we are empty nesters and no one lives near by.  We were sooo lonely we went for a 4 hour drive with "Just the Two of Us" - Mom was really tolerant in riding on mountain roads that shook her arm and shoulder.
  • In the other card she tells me that if she hadn't married me she could have found someone else to drive nuts, but that she is nuts about me.

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Kevin and Ellen take the Crude Award.  Of course it fits right in with our family humor.


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Kelly and Mike sent the Mid-life Crisis card.  However, my mid life crisis was 10 years ago.  I am now in declining life panic mode. 

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Madison, Carter and Brooke sent the Gramp Award card.  I really like how Brooke made me look nice and thin and with lots of hair. That is so nice!

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All I can say is Linda, Emily, Kelly, Scott, Ellen, and David make me look like a great Dad. Keep it up!  I know that you were all great spirits and it was a blessing to receive all of you in my family. 

My Tag Response

Liam here are the answers to your questions

4 Places I go over and over:
1. My office upstairs in our home
2. Home Depot
3. Church
4. The Airport

4 who email me:
1. Over 100 from many people at work a day.
2. Elder David Barrett
3. Linda
4. A lot of weirdos on the Internet who send SPAM

4 Of my favorite foods:
1. Chocolate chip mint ice cream
3. Stone crab claws in Florida
4. Tacos al Pastor in Mexico

4 Places I would rather be right now:
1. On a clear mountain stream fly fishing
2. In Turkey with the McCammons and my grand children that I miss soooooo much!
3. Anywhere with my children and/or grand children (Turkey, San Antonio, Logan/Lincoln, Rexburg, Nicaragua?
4. Riding my bicycle on a quiet road either going downhill or with a wind to my back

4 Movies I watch over and over again:
1. Back to the Future
2. Meet the Parents
3. Harry Potter 4
4. The Incredibles

4 People I am tagging:
1. Kevin Wheat
2. Ellen Wheat
3. Emily McCammon
4. Jentry Barrett