Saturday, May 26, 2007

To My Children

God created families so that we can learn to love like he does. Being in a family does not force us to live like him, but having children like he does creates a strong bond. Our children are our creation. We are responsible for them. When we assume the responsibility to care for them, our love starts to grow. This love becomes more like God's when we are able to forgive and overlook each other's faults. As parents and grandparents, we experience God's glory as our children and grandchildren, having been taught by us, begin to choose "of their own free will" to do what we know from experience will bring them joy. We experience God's sorrow, when they exercise that free will and do something that we know from experience will bring them sorrow. But we know that without that opportunity to choose and either fall or succeed, they will never learn what they will need to know to become compassionate like our Father in Heaven.


Mike and Kelly said...

You did a great job dad! I will always remember the times, after being sent to my room, that you would come and talk to me and make things better. I remeber knowing that you loved us, and by that I knew that my Father in Heaven loved me as well. I understand more of the struggle of watching your children grow through good and sad experiences,as I raise a family of my own. Thank you for taking those moments to teach us and listen to us. I love you.


DL Barrett said...

Thanks for the kind comments. How did you find the blog? I don't think I had informed anyone yet. I had some things I wanted to add.

Mike and Kelly said...

I just clicked on your name "Grandpa Poppers" and I saw that you started a blog. You should have changed your permissions so that no one could read it yet. I like reading it though.