Sunday, October 21, 2007

Life on the Run

It has been a while since I updated this Blog. 

It seems like all we/I do lately is run.   Run virtually from call to call, project to project, and place to place.  Between work and family lately we have been running constantly.  I would really be much more happy if it was running between Family.  Over the last two months:

  • A trip to Thailand (Business 7 days in a hotel)
  • A trip to  Cancun (1 week with Linda, Ellen, and David)
  • Linda Drive Ellen & David Back to School
  • A trip to Detroit and then Philadelphia (Work 1 day and 1 night in each city)
  • A trip to San Antonio (A test to see if I can combine work away with family)
  • A trip to Poland (Saturday through Saturday with 2 days travel)

Coming up:

  • A trip to Santa Barbara (1/2 day work becomes 1 night and a day away)
  • A trip to India?  (Targeted for January ?)
  • January (Work Midwest for North America Management Training)
  • A desired trip to Turkey (Visit Emily and Shane - Maybe combined with India if Turkey will allow us)

This does not count planned trips:

  • To get David suites in Salt Lake
  • Possibly Idaho Falls for David's endowment if call does not come to allow use of Thanksgiving
  • Salt Lake / Provo some time when David reports to mission. 



SAN ANTONIO - BABCOCK KIDS (Madison, Brooke, and Carter)




Ellen Barrett said...

You're a pretty busy guy, Dad! I love you, and miss you a lot! Thanks for sending me those stories about Grandpa and Grandma! That meant a lot to me, and I have really grown a great love for them after reading their biographies! I CAN'T WAIT to see you again for Thanksgiving!

Mike and Kelly said...

Hey, pass some of those pictures of the kids our way. I know mom too alot more too. Thanks for making time to visit us. We had fun. We love you and miss you already.

Scott Barrett said...

Looks like work has kept you pretty busy. It'll be nice to see you guys during Thanksgiving. I assume you get to take a break then too.

mini-wheats said...

Bro. Barrett, thanks again for a wonderful thanksgiving week. I had a blast being with your family and getting you know you all better. Have a great week and I will see you again possible after Christmas.