Friday, December 14, 2007

The Humor of Global SWARMING

In case you have not noticed, the media and common conversation has become inundated with stories, concerns, and worries about global warming. Some of the stories are becoming so outlandish, that they are funny. It is actually becoming hard to tell the real stories from the those designed to make fun of ourselves.

I was listening to a talk show the other day, when they quoted the following story. As I say, when it was initially related, it was so much like other stories I hear every day, that it sounded real.

The sad thing, is that this Conventional Wisdom state we are in is a runaway train that is totally out of control. See my other blog log called the Perfect Storm. It will provide information about how this social event compares to others in the past and why I feel this is out of control and of significant concern.

1 comment:

mini-wheats said...

Yea, isn't that just amazing. I had the same concern this year. Before my mission I could see my breath in Early November up at BYUI. This last semester I never saw it once.