Monday, November 23, 2009

Carters day with Granparents

This last Friday night Linda and I had our second scheduled weekend with
individual Granchildren. Carter came and spent Friday night and most of
Saturday. Friday night we had pepperoni pizza and took in a late movie(8pm
start). We saw Planet 51. It was very entertaining and Carter stayed
awake through the whole show, while Grandma, having a long day of service
and shoppong with Kelly, fell asleep.
Saturday morning Carter woke up at about 6:30 and started putting puzzles
together. We had pancakes for breakfast, wrestled, played video games,
played chess, played a little basketball, went to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries
for lunch, painted a ceramic Dragon (to be fired this week), played
battleship, and played more chess. It was lots of fun. I want these
experiences with all of my Granchldren.

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