Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Father's Day tribute to Mom.

As I have reflected on Father's day this year, I recognize that I would not even be able to be called Father if it were not for Linda who has consented and taken on the enormous but rewarding role of Mother. While I have had the more simple role of going off every day to make a living so we could all eat, sleep, and play in comfort. She is the one who endured the months of pregnancy, the pain of child birth, the anxiety of children's health concerns, the frustration of cleaning up after the messes left by 5 children who gradually learn personal responsibility. She is the one who spent late nights helping (doing) children's last minute school projects. She is the one who bought the groceries and prepared the meals until she got so tired of it, that she doesn't want to cook any more. She is the one who taught our children to read, write, draw, talk, write, and clean up after themselves. She is the one who made sure you were where they needed to be, doing the things you needed to do.

I am a proud Father. I have 5 wonderful children who, so far, have turned out as very good people. But when I look at my 5 wonderful children and 6 beautiful grandchildren, I realize that each of you are a primarily a product of Mom's contributions with a little bit of my seasoning. Linda is a wonder. She is organized, disciplined, honest, forthright and caring. She smother's you with her love as she still calls and is an integral part of each of your lives. She is the one who communicates and pulls us together as a family. I regretfully admit she is the one from whom I experience most of what has and does occur in your lives. I want to change that a little and become more involved in the lives of my children. But I am very grateful that I have a companion like Linda who has blessed both your lives as well as mine.

So while it is Father's Day - I want to celebrate Mom, who has made me look to the world like a good Father.


Mike and Kelly said...

Yeah, that lady is pretty cool. We are lucky to have two magnificent parents.

Scott Barrett said...

Wow. All I can say We like the blog, Dad. How does Mom feel about all these pictures of her on the internet?

linda barrett said...

Lets just say when he get's back from Mexico his blog will look alot different if he knows what's good for him!

linda barrett said...

Oh yes! He does know what's good for him! That's why you just have to love him.