Sunday, June 24, 2007

What Does Your Father Do?

Both my wife and my children have asked numerous time what I do for a living. When people ask them, the have a hard time explaining it, because I have a hard time explaining it.

I am going to attempt to write it down in as short an explanation as possible.

I develop the methods or steps and tools that help the consultants at the company I work for, currently QAD, Inc, to quickly understand our client companies business operations and determine how they can be improved to result in cost savings and improved profits by installing and making use of features of the company's software. This includes improving the business processes by which our clients Plan their business product needs, take customer orders for product, purchase needed components of the ordered product, manufacture the product, and then deliver the correct product in the necessary time. My job not only includes defining the methods and tools to be used, but the training and supporting consultants to do this job more effectively.
In Short, I am the Consulting Methodology and Development Manager for an Supply Chain Management Software Company.

A simple view of a Supply Chain

A more complex view of a Supply Chain that shows at a high level all of the details our consultants must be able to help our customers improve

I am also a Realtor/Real Estate Investor who finds/buys bargain Single Family homes and either rents them or sells them through a Lease with an option to buy to people with marginal credit.


linda barrett said...

What the .... No, really, what do you do?

DL Barrett said...

As I a have always told, you it is difficult to describe.

Mike and Kelly said...

Huh? Just kidding. I get it, but I still can't explain it.

Ellen Barrett said...

This is helpful dad. Now when someone asks me what you do for a living, I'll just make sure I have this little bit of information printed out, and I will hand it to them....then they will understand that it was just too hard to explain!